Fibreglass (GRP) Boats and Structures

Get the best price quote on fiberglass boat building works in Kampala, Uganda. UEL RESINS & FIBERGLASS LTD is the pioneer builder of high quality fiberglass (GRP) structures for boats in Uganda. - We have completed projects for the Great Lakes region in Rwanda, Uganda, Congo, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan on Lake Victoria and River Nile.

Fibreglass Boat Building in Uganda


UEL Resins and Fibreglass is the pioneer builder of high quality fiberglass (GRP) structures for boats in Uganda.

Fibreglass, also known as GRP is the ideal material for use in the Marine Industry Globally  (Boating, Yachts, Submersible).

We are now leveraging on our proven track record in Uganda’s fibreglass industry to build fibreglass boats and related boat structures.

Fibreglass Boat Building in Kampala - Ugand - UEL Resins and Fibreglass -

A Fibreglass Boat Building Project 

The Features of the Fibreglass Boat


Our fibreglass boats are lightweight, durable, extremely strong and resistant to all forms of water, weather, and chemical ingress. Expected useful life of fibreglass boats is more than 30 years.

As specialists in all aspects of GRP (fiberglass) design and production, we are able to take fibreglass boat projects from concept to development, installation and, in some cases launch.

Build quality and weight, endurance and design are all of paramount importance and we deliver on all counts when building fibreglass boats.

Fibreglass Boat Building in Kampala - Ugand - UEL Resins and Fibreglass -

Fibreglass Vs Wooden Boats


Why should you choose fibreglass to build your boat instead of traditional wood?

There are few other materials that offer the strength to weight ratio of fibreglass materials in boat building, as it is infinitely adaptable – for example, fibreglass can be moulded into any shape desired and finished in any colour. This means for such a light weight material, the strength is multiple times that of wood.

Also, the material is resistant to rot, rust and deterioration unlike wooden boats. You can also expect a useful life of 30+ years for fibreglass boats – the same cannot be said of wooden boats.

Avoid the rot and damp associated with wooden boats by contracting UEL Resins and Fibreglass for the following fibeglass boat structures:

  • Hulls and decks
  • Superstructures and wheelhouses
  • Structural components
  • Doors and hatches
  • Battery boxes and enclosures
  • Ray domes
  • ROV and submersible components
  • Engine Compartments
  • Keels


UEL Fibreglass Boats in Kampala - Uganda

At UEL Resin and Fibreglass we are equipped to take on anything from single boat units to large volume boat building. Therefore, to discuss any aspect of your fibreglass project needs please do feel free in contacting us on 0701749775 today.

You can get a free quote on the prices of fibreglass boats  as well as the project duration estimate for your fiberglass boat.