East Africa Fiberglass Resin | Rwanda | Uganda | South Sudan | Tanzania | Congo | Burundi
Epoxy Resin and Fiberglass Polyester Resin Supplier in East Africa
Online Store
Epoxy Resins
Aqua-illusion Clear Epoxy Resin
Clear Epoxy Resin & Catalyst
Resin Hardener
Clear Rigid Epoxy Casting Resin
Epoxy Specific Colour Pigment
General Purpose Epoxy Lay-up Resin
Polyester Resin
General Purpose Polyester Lay-up Resin
MEKP Catalyst/Polyester Resin Hardener
Flowcoat Resin
Polyester Brushing Gelcoat
Roofing Resin and Top Coat
Tooling Gelcoat Resin
Fiberglass Solutions
Chopped Strand Mat
Clear Roofing Sheets
Delivery & Courier Boxes
Truck Body Works
Pickup Truck Canopy
Marine Boat Hulls & Decks
Fiberglass Kiosk Works
Fiberglass Slides
The Company
Contact Information
Fibreglass Rwanda
Fibreglass Tanzania
Fibreglass South Sudan
Fibreglass Congo DRC
Fibreglass Burundi
Fibreglass Kenya
Online Store
Uganda Resin & Fiberglass Store
Fiberglass Solutions